Huwebes, Hunyo 30, 2011

Myself as a Reader

As a student  reading is a part of  my everyday  life.  Reading is essential not just to pass the exams but also  to add  somethin g in your  knowledge or understanding.  The ability to read is an indication that  a person is  a literate  citizen of  his  country.
                But reading is not only  in the ability to read words, you  also have to understand what you read.  When reading your main purpose is to get someth ing from what you are reading and to achieve this you have  to under stand the te xt  first.  As what reading  means  it is    a process of decoding symbols for the intention of constructing  or deriving meaning. 
                  I   know  students like me have gone in a stage of  diffi culties in reading especially   during the first stage of learning  how  to read.i  started learning how to read a an early age and I learned how to read when I was six.  In that stage  I learned   to construct very simple sentences  because of reading.  I remember  seeing my sister reading   her   grade five text books would really make me wonder how can she finish reading one of the stories bec ause at that time the short stories written in that  book really look long for me as a beginner  and I  am afraid I  couldn’t  do  it  in the future. But then as time  pass  I  have realized  that  there is nothing to be a fraid of  and I find it really fun during my elementary days.  
When I got to high school  I got this fear again   when  my  english teacher required us to read one book every  grading period. So I try reading one.  I start with the Nancy Drew  series and I find it interesting.  During my first  year in high school I always find time to go to the library and read some books.  Honestly speaking I’m not really  inclined in  English  and I became a busy person  as years goes by that’s why during the rest of my years in high school  was not able to do all those reading stuff I‘ve done in the library when I was a first year student.    But then  I still find time to read books.  During my third year and fourth year I engaged my se lf in reading  Filipino books   and that particular books are  written by Bob Ong. I really l ove reading his books because   it really deals  with the real life  aside from its humour.
 So when it  comes in assesing mysel f if I’m a good reader or not  I would asses myself as the  average one  because for now  I’m still on the stage of improving it and there  are still times I  got difficulties when reading. 

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